Category Archives: Episode

Getting Wise About Podcasting

Ken Wise recently celebrated his 1 year podcasting anniversary and is the guest on episode 31 of the PowerPress Podcast. MacKenzie and Ken talk about his show, Wise About Texas, that focuses on all kinds of history that pertains to the great state of Texas. As for recent news, well, there's another podcasting studio available to the public. If you're in the St. Louis area and looking for an easy podcast recording solution, check this out. Check out the link below for more details. And for those of you out there that are interested in transcripts for your show, there's another tool coming your way! It's in beta now, but autoEdit will be available in the future. Those of you looking to test, be aware, it's open source. MacKenzie caught up on her podcast chronicle – check out the picture below of the new studio setup. Thanks for listening and hit one of the many subscribe buttons to the show!
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Show notes:
Wise About Texas

2GuysTalking Podcast Studio

autoEdit – Open source tool for transcripts

Email MacKenzie
Blubrry Twitter

Immortal Podcasts and Creating Networks in PowerPress

Creating a podcast network doesn't have to be difficult. Mike and MacKenzie talk about how to get one setup in PowerPress on this episode of the PowerPress Podcast. Categories, channels, taxonomies and a whole lot of other decisions are discussed to help you get a better idea of how to start a network easily with the help of PowerPress. Early in the show Mike brings up an article he read that mentioned a podcast host passing away – which got them thinking, what happens to your show after you're no longer around? For a rather sad topic, they keep it fairly upbeat. They wrapped up the show talking about ending a show when it becomes to much work. Recently Gimlet Media decided to end one of their shows which sparked lots of conversation. Thanks for listening and go subscribe to the show!
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Show notes:
Look for: Category Podcasting, Podcast Channels, Post Type Podcasting and Taxonomy Podcasting


Gimlet Media

Contact MacKenzie

Blubrry Twitter

Blubrry Facebook

Anchor, Glistening Particles and Reasons to Start a Podcast

Jane Ellen was excited to be on the PowerPress Podcast after starting her own show, The Glistening Particles, only 6 weeks ago. MacKenzie and Jane discuss an app called Anchor that allows you to make a 2 minute podcast. Yes, you read that correctly — 2 minutes! They've got the insight on why this app may be useful and fun. In MacKenzie's podcast chronicle, she's got good news for herself and the studio. As a new podcaster Jane is still getting the ropes of it all, and grateful for how helpful the podcasting community has been throughout the whole process. Lastly, they discuss reasons to start a podcast; in case someone out there listening wants to and hasn't done it yet, stick around for the last part! Thanks for listening and please subscribe to the show!
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Show notes:
Anchor App

Glistening Particles – Can be found in iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, etc.

Philosopher's Notes

The Glistening Particles theme song called Shine by Jeff Smith Music:

A Few Reasons to Start A Podcast…Now

Email MacKenzie

PowerPress Podcast theme song artist, Phonophage

Ways to Stream an Event and International Podcast Day

International Podcast Day is coming up quickly and MacKenzie and Steve Lee talk about how you can celebrate and just what this day is about on the latest PowerPress Podcast. First off, for an event such as Podcast Day, streaming services are very important, and we discuss the value of a service, Voice Republic based out of Europe. For those of you that are looking to live stream your seminar or speaking session, particularly with a piece of hardware, this may be your answer. We dig into why International Podcast Day was started, who works on it, how people celebrate – such as conversations from 14+ countries all over the world, and most importantly bringing the podcasting community together. Steve has also started a podcast network, Modern Life Network, so in the discussion about creating a network from your podcast, he had some personal insight on the matter. Thanks for listening and subscribe to the show, and please leave a review for PowerPress! Happy podcasting.
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Show notes:
Voice Republic

International Podcast Day

International Podcast Day Twitter feed

Email the Podcast Day team

How to Turn Your Podcast Into A Media Network

Email MacKenzie

Chatting with Nancy Gaines and Gaining Insights on IAB Ad Metrics

Hello again! This episode of the PowerPress Podcast MacKenzie spoke with Nancy Gaines and they talked about her podcast, The Nancy Gaines Show, as well as the IAB Podcast Ad Metrics Guidelines document that was released earlier this week. For those of you that don't know, the Hitachi Foundation helps businesses that are helping the economy thrive and improve. They also happen to have a podcast coming up soon, the Cambridge Optimists. You can submit your story to be on the podcast – that is if you're an entrepreneur. Next up in the episode, MacKenzie learns all about Nancy's consulting team and business and what she loves about podcasting. She's also a big fan of Blubrry tools and services. Lastly, Blubrry was heavily involved in the creation of the IAB Podcast Ad Metrics Guidelines that were recently released to the public. These guidelines ensures everyone is on the same page for podcast advertising, and sheds light on information that not all podcasters, media buyers, etc previously were not aware of. Please, listen and subscribe! Thank you!

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Show notes:
Submit your story to the Hitachi Foundation podcast!

Nancy Gaines

Free Report of 100 Systems You Need in Your Business

Nancy Gaines Show

Finding A Podcast Guest for Free: HARO

Nancy's LinkedIn

Nancy's Twitter

IAB Podcast Ad Metrics

Blubrry Priority Advertising List

Email MacKenzie

MacKenzie's Twitter

Podcast Mid-Atlantic and Transcribe Services

MacKenzie is happy to have Joe Pardo back on the PowerPress Podcast, this time to talk about his event, Podcast Mid-Atlantic. Before they discuss the event, MacKenzie and Joe have some pretty strong opinions on transcribing your podcast – did you know that Auphonic has put out a beta for this? Those of you that are interested in making transcribing or speech recognition services better, get involved with this private beta. September 9-10 in South Philly, podcasters will gather for a podcasting event meant for fostering creativity and community. Listen to get all the details about the event and why you should attend. Blubrry is happy to be sponsoring this event and hope that everyone involved has a great time. At Blubrry we're always happy to encourage growth in the community. Lastly, Tascam recently released two new soundboards, made specifically with podcasters in mind! It's not everyday that a podcast specific product is debuted, and from a largely known company such as Tascam. Thanks for listening and please subscribe to the show.
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Show notes:
Auphonic Speech Recognition Service – Private Beta

Podcast Mid-Atlantic

Use the promo code 'Mapcon25' for 10% off

Tascam Podcasting Soundboards

Email MacKenzie

A Podcast Garage and Preventing A Podcast Failure

MacKenzie is solo on the PowerPress Podcast, you've got to listen to the episode to find out why. Regardless, she tells you all about this new thing, the podcast garage in Boston, discusses her podcast chronicle, gives a quick update on Blubrry and last but not least, a list of some podcasts to listen to if you're feeling like you can't escape the Olympics. The podcast garage is a new community space for 'audio enthusiasts' and a great outlet if you're looking to record somewhere other than your closet. Podcasting issues come up, if you'd like to know how to prevent a potential podcast failure, learn from MacKenzie. Thanks for listening and please rate and review the PowerPress Podcast in iTunes! Don't forget to subscribe as well. Options are on the right hand side of the webpage.
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Show notes:

PRX Opens 'Podcast Garage'


Facebook Instant Articles is coming soon!

Next Blubrry webinar is August 18th

Podcasts to Listen to Alongside the Olympics

Become a Blubrry Priority Partner Show

On this episode MacKenzie and Todd give you all the details on what the Blubrry Priority Partner Show List is, you'll learn how to get on the list. Blubrry has a new feature available to make advertising even easier. If you're looking for advertising for your show, fill out the agreement and your show will be shown to every campaign we come across. Not only do they talk about advertising for your show, they discuss a recent article on how to get booked as an expert on podcasts. Todd has extensive experience in this area, so he has a lot to say on the topic. Thanks for listening, subscribe to the podcast whatever way you want, over there on the right hand side.
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Show notes:

Become a Priority Partner Show

Blubrry Advertising for Podcasters

Steps to Take To Get Booked As A Guest Expert

Email MacKenzie

Email Todd


Podcast Movement recap with Michelle Ann Owens

MacKenzie was joined by Michelle Ann Owens on the PowerPress Podcast to recap Podcast Movement and discuss Michelle's show, Nothing Off Limits. The two met at Podcast Movement last week and in this episode spend time talking about the benefits of going to events such as PM and how Michelle is growing her show that she recently launched. MacKenzie and Michelle learned a lot at the show and are excited to move forward with that knowledge. They also talk about Audible – Amazon and Audible have finally stepped into podcasting. Audible customers are now able to find podcasts in their app. Pros and cons are debated about this new outlet for podcasters; do you think it's a good thing for the podcasting community? Thanks for listening and be sure to subscribe to the show to never miss an episode.
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Show notes:

Podcast Movement
Nothing Off Limits
Michelle Ann Owens
Lady Fox Entertainment Twitter
Email MacKenzie

Distribute Your Podcast via Podcast2Radio

MacKenzie and her guest, Rae Palermo, discuss an exciting new service, Podcast2Radio, coming from Blubrry and their partner, StreamGuys. If you're looking for more distribution for your podcast, tune in to this episode to find out just what Podcast2Radio can do for your podcast.

With Podcast2Radio Blubrry customers can easily convert their podcasts into a continuous internet radio stream. Your podcast will have additional syndication, and will be easier than ever to find for the large segment of listeners that are streaming internet radio. Our partner, StreamGuys provides the cloud-based software to deliver your podcast and once you're set up, it's all automatic.

We're not changing anything about your podcast, just simply converting your RSS feed into an internet stream that millions of new listeners will have access to. It's been a long time coming and MacKenzie and Rae are excited about the possibilities associated with all of the new distribution partners via Podcast2Radio.

Both companies will be attending Podcast Movement and would love to talk to podcasters about what this can do for your show. Check it out, we're excited about this opportunity and can't wait to see what the future holds.
Show notes:
Podcast Movement
Email MacKenzie
Email about Podcast2Radio