Category Archives: Episode

Mp3 Files on PowerPress

We're ending January with Joe Pardo on the PowerPress Podcast. Joe has multiple podcasts and uses PowerPress for almost all of them, we get his insight into using PowerPress to host your mp3 files as a beginner. We discuss Podster Magazine, and a new iTunes requirement. MacKenzie gets some advice from Joe about editing as well. Thanks for listening!

Check out Alexander Card’s music, Phonophage, in the show notes. He’s a friend of MacKenzie’s from college and he graciously let her use “Stood Up” for the intro and outro music. Thanks Alex!


Show notes:

Podster Magazine

Shelf Media Group

Joe Pardo

Dreamers Podcast

Mid Atlantic Podcast Conference


Subscribe Options with Mike Dell

This week on the PowerPress Podcast MacKenzie talks with Mike Dell. He's got years of experience and insight with PowerPress and he talked about making it easier for people to subscribe to your podcast via PowerPress. We talk about businesses spending money on podcasting, MacKenzie's podcast chronicle, and a schedule for releasing your podcast. If you haven't please subscribe and take a look at the Patreon page for PowerPress.

Check out Alexander Card's music, Phonophage, in the show notes. He's a friend of MacKenzie's from college and he graciously let her use “Stood Up” for the intro and outro music. Thanks Alex!


Show notes:


Podcast Help Desk


Alexander Card – Phonophage

Email MacKenzie

Recap of PowerPress in 2015

This week on the PowerPress Podcast MacKenzie gives a recap of PowerPress in 2015. What Blubrry updated and changed in PowerPress, MacKenzie's podcast chronicle and goals for the New Year. Did you have a favorite podcast for the year or discover a great new show? Apple dishes out their collection of best podcasts for the year. Be sure to subscribe on your podcatcher of choice and take a look at the Patreon page for PowerPress.

Happy New Year and thanks for listening!


Show notes:


PowerPress Patreon

Best Podcasts of 2015: Apple's Picks

Email MacKenzie

Using seasons for your podcast

This week MacKenzie has Colin Gray on the PowerPress Podcast. He talks about using seasons for your podcast and how to use this ability in PowerPress. Colin has been podcasting for almost 11 years and been focusing on seasons since the beginning. A recent article about Gimlet Media sparked a conversation about money in podcasting – the effect it has on companies and podcasters. We wrap up the show debating podcast apps, specifically Fable. Thanks for listening!



Show notes:

Gimlet Media Fundraising

Acast and Buzzfeed

Fable App

Colin Gray podcast

Categories and Channels in PowerPress

This week MacKenzie is joined by Shawn Thorpe on the podcast, a fellow Blubrry / RawVoice team member. He tells all about categories and channels in PowerPress and what might be best for you to use on your podcast. MacKenzie and Shawn discuss Podcast Movement — get your tickets on sale now! and NaPodPoMo. Don't know what that stands for, take look at the links below and listen to get all the details from Shawn. He has years of experience with PowerPress so we've got a great episode for you.


If you're a happy PowerPress user, please give us a review here. And maybe while you're at it a review for PowerPress Podcast on iTunes. Thanks for listening!

Email MacKenzie

Show notes:

Podcast Movement Tickets

Channels in PowerPress

Categories in PowerPress


NaPodPoMo wrap-up

Shawn's Podcast  – Hyper Nonsense

PowerPress Capabilities with Peter DeMott

This week we had Peter DeMott on the podcast, and he explained some of the PowerPress capabilities that he was excited about and some that he didn't exactly know what to do with. Did you hear about the Dash Conference earlier this month? Peter and MacKenzie discuss what it's like listening to podcasts in the car and where this technology is headed. Spreaker launched a mobile podcast app, will it stand out from others in the market? Peter and I discuss all of this and more on this week's episode of the PowerPress Podcast. Subscribe on iTunes and Android and head on over to iTunes to leave us a review. Thanks!


Show notes:

Dash Conference

Equine Photographers Podcast

Spreaker Launches App

Spreaker App – iTunes

Introducing New Podcast Platforms

This week on the show MacKenzie flies solo without a guest. Don't worry, a guest will be on the next episode but this time she wanted to kick off the show on her own, and talk about her thoughts on the podcast. She talks about Google Play Music Podcasts, Serial on Pandora and the latest PowerPress update. Listen in to hear what she thinks will happen with Google and Pandora. Thanks for listening and be sure to subscribe on iTunes, Android, whatever works for you. And feel free to give us a review on iTunes if you feel so inclined.



Show notes:

Google Play Music Podcast

Submit your podcast to Google Play

Serial on Pandora

PowerPress Update Download

SkipCast iOS app

Finding Your Podcast Voice

Podcasts about podcasts are not uncommon. MacKenzie spoke with Todd Cochrane, CEO of Blubrry about finding your voice to stand out in the crowd and develop your show. We mentioned the new Buzzfeed podcast, Women of the Hour, and spoke about the Overcast mobile app. If you've been looking for subscribe options on your website, be sure to tune in for Todd's PowerPress Tip of the Day. MacKenzie and Todd mention the new composer in the studio, however we apologize for the not so perfect sound on this episode. Once again, still working out some bugs. Email MacKenzie with show topics, suggestions, and even if you'd like to be on the show! Subscribe below and on iTunes and Android. Take a look at the new studio equipment.


Show notes:

Women of the Hour

DBX 286s – Microphone Pre Amp Processor


Overcast article

Email MacKenzie


6 Reasons Your RSS Feed May Be Broken

Have you ever had an RSS feed issue that you just couldn't figure out? Mike Dell of the Blubrry team joined MacKenzie on the PowerPress Podcast this week to discuss 6 typical RSS feed problems that podcasters come across. We talked about how successful International Podcast Day was and an event that is happening this week, Thursday October 8th – that you can attend from wherever you like. We wrapped up this episode giving credit to co-founder of Podcast Day, Steve Lee. Subscribe on iTunes and Android. Check out the links below for Mike's feed tips and the news we talked about.


Show Links:

Pod Con


Cast Feed Validator


Feed Validator

RSS Feed Troubleshooting

Steve Lee – New York Times

Podcast Celebrations and Downturns

This week on the PowerPress Podcast we had Angelo, our lead developer at Blubrry join MacKenzie on the podcast. We spoke about getting involved in podcasting via International Podcast Day, MacKenzie's latest podcasting struggle, the iOS 9 update, and even snuck in a PowerPress tip as well. Listen in to hear about why you should participate in Podcast Day, what MacKenzie needed guidance on, and get some great tips from Angelo about SEO. Subscribe on iTunes and Android. Take a look at our setup in the pictures below.



Show Links:

International Podcast Day

iOS 9 Forum